Senior Reflection: How to complete high school despite your constant impending mental breakdowns
June 6, 2017
Looking back at my younger self, I can definitely see that I was one of those freshmen: innocent and carefree. The world was just simply a place where I would play soccer, run track, or hang out with friends and study.
Over the course of four years, a lot of aspects of life can change drastically. Interests in sports or other activities, efforts or strengths in school, family or friend situations all can and will encounter changes. They all did for me.
Although we would love for every change in our lives to be pleasant, unfortunately nothing can be all rainbows and unicorns.
As I encountered more and more big adjustments during my years at Algonquin, like getting a new teacher when the last one was the best ever, or almost losing a family member or friend, I had to make do with school while also maintaining some mental soundness.
Although I am still not really sure how I survived Philbin essays, AP Bio labs, Algebra II tests, history outlines, boring gym classes, frustrating attendance policies, and some sticky social situations, I somehow made it out in one piece (just barely).
I’ve realized that from our high school struggles and successes, we can take with us tools for the future.
From my experiences, these are the most important things to remember when beginning new adventures in college:
This is definitely the most cliché thing to say, but just do it anyways and see what happens. Hint: it won’t be bad.
2.) You can’t stop change.
No matter how hard you want something to return to normal, it mostly likely won’t, so do your best to adjust to the new.
3.) Do the hardest thing first.
Even though the “easier” tasks seem to be the better ones to finish first, by the time they’re done, there’s no mental energy for the “harder” or more important ones.
It’s okay–actually, good–to miss an assignment once in awhile. If you’re like me and get anxious when you can’t do your homework because it’s 12:30 am and you have a calculus test in the morning, prioritize what’s more important: a good rest and doing better on the hundred point test, or a sheet of paper with a few answers from a textbook that’s worth five?
4.) You’re not alone.
After trying to hold everything in for years, we all crack at one point. Whether it’s crying, yelling, or ranting to your best friend, family member, favorite teacher, or another cool adult (they do exist), I guarantee it feels good to let it out. Next year you’ll have roommates and others in your hall who may also be feeling alone. Reach out to them for a good talk.
5.) Take advantage of new beginnings.
Just because you hated a subject this year, next year it could be better. A new teacher, class, or environment can bring positive changes so try hard to remain optimistic. We all get a brand new start tomorrow.
Eva Minsteris • Jun 16, 2017 at 12:54 pm
How did you get so smart? Amazing article – thanks for sharing that much needed fabulous advice that so many can relate to – my niece will love this! Definitely passing it forward! Good luck in college! It will be the best 4 years of your life! Enjoy every second. ??
SARA MINSTERIS • Jun 13, 2017 at 7:14 pm
Great artical Hannah. I have a granddaughter, she will be a senior in high school . I will pass on your article and advise to her.
Good luck in college and make sure follow your advise. BREATHE.