Faculty Friday: Mel Laughton, Assistant Principal


Q: What is your New Years’ Revolution?

A: “To continue to enjoy the wonderful time that I have here at Algonquin.

Q: Dunkins or Starbucks?

A: “Dunkins. I had Starbucks during the summer and my wife got me a cup of coffee. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. There is so much caffeine in it.”

Q : Who do you think the funniest teacher at Algonquin is?

A: “I think it is a tossup between Mr. Welty and Mr. Alera.”

Q: What classes do you find most interesting at Algonquin?

A: “Interesting intellectually I really like science, but I am also interested in the wonderful work done in our art classes. I love all subjects and I love going into all classes. Art mystifies me because I have no artistic talent.”

Q: Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?

A: “Yes. I like to skydive and scuba[dive]. I love working with wood and building things with wood.”