Q&A: Swim and dive captain describes season highlights, challenges

Lillian Johnson

Freshman Aanya Bandukwala competes during the girls’ swim meet at Clark University against AMSA on Thursday, Dec. 22, 2022.

Arielle Chin, Assistant Opinion Editor

The swim & dive season ended with a boys’ record of 10-1 and a girls’ record of 1-10, led by senior captains Jason Wong and Greg Roumiantsev. Wong recounts the team’s successes from this past season.

How was the season overall? What worked for your team and what did not work?

“Overall, our team did really well. Our girls’ team didn’t have that many people so we didn’t do as well as we thought we were gonna do. For boys, we got first in our leagues which is very good. We had a lot of sickness throughout the first couple weeks and throughout the year, so not everyone was able to perform their best. But as the season progressed, we all improved exceptionally well. Most of us got our lifetime bests and if not we got our season best times.”

What is your team dynamic like and how do you work together?

“We are all really close to each other as teammates and friends and most of us are in the same grade. For us to be successful we all had to perform really well especially in relays by doing our part, such as going really fast if we want to win.”

What was the most challenging part of this season?

“Probably the sickness that we had to go through because a lot of our top people were out.”

What was a highlight of this season for the team?

“When the boys won in the leagues, along with how well the girls did too. We had a lot of people have their best times and do really well this season.”

What players especially stepped up this season and how?

“Axel Soderquist. He is a junior and he did really well throughout the season. David Huynh, who is a sophomore, also did really well for us. Lastly, [junior] Branden Yan also did really well for other events such as distance events.”

What is coming up for the team and what do you think next season will look like?

“Next season will be a little tough because a lot of people are leaving or graduating. We also don’t know who is going to come in as a freshman or who is going to come back at all.”