Use your power to vote: a guide to the 2022 midterm elections

Sophia Khan

The midterm elections will determine positions such as governor and representatives, as well as important questions significant to the state.

Jeffrey Dratch and Lila Shields

It’s election season! As you probably know, the president still has another two years left in his term. But this election isn’t a presidential election, it’s the midterm election, determining positions such as governor and representatives.

To start off, what are the midterm elections? According to a study conducted by the Pew Research Center, about 20% less people vote in midterm elections than in presidential races, despite midterm elections often being more important. In Massachusetts, during the 2022 race, voters have the opportunity to decide who the next governor, state executives and legislators are, as well as who will represent Massachusetts in the U.S. House of Representatives. Clearly, all of these positions are extremely important, as they have a larger impact on our daily lives than the presidential election will. 

One of the most important positions chosen during the primary is the state governor, which has three candidates this upcoming election. These candidates include Geoff Diehl (Republican), Maura Healy (Democrat) and Kevin Reed (Libertarian). 

Another significant position that is being voted on in the 2022 primary is legislators in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Algonquin community is split between two congressional districts, Southborough in District 5, and Northborough in District 2. Congressional districts are chosen as a result of census data, and are split up by population, with each district gaining one seat in the House of Representatives. In District 5, the candidates are incumbent Democrat Katherine Clark and challenger Republican Caroline Colarusso. In District 2, the candidates are incumbent Democrat Jim McGovern and challenger Republican Jeffrey Sossa-Paquette.

Additionally, each election also typically includes a series of questions present on the ballot, specific to the state, to help decide controversial bills. In the 2022 election, Question 1 decides whether there should be an additional 4% tax on incomes over $1 million, used for education and transportation purposes. Question 2, if passed, would require dental insurance providers to have a medical loss ratio, or proportion of healthcare premiums spent on medical claims, of 83%. Question 3 has the possibility to increase the number of liquor licenses per establishment from 12 to 18 over the course of 8 years, and prohibits using self-checkout for alcoholic beverages. Finally, Question 4 would allow undocumented United States immigrants to be able to obtain a drivers license or learners permit if they fulfill all other requirements.

However, not everyone chooses to exercise their right to vote. A common reason for this,  according to Psychology Today, is not being interested in any of the parties or simply missing registration deadlines. Both of these are avoidable by educating yourself and not procrastinating early registration.

Voting is a simple concept that many Americans overlook. Not voting takes away an individual’s influence on the government. It is a civic duty to vote, and a way to express your political view is to voice it through filling in a ballot. 

Suffrage has always been an active movement throughout history, especially within the United States. Many individuals have fought for the rights to vote, and it is ideal to honor this progression by taking advantage of the ability to vote. Communicating with others about election day can be beneficial even with political beliefs aside. All citizens have a voice in some way and we need to use it. 

A study shows that young adults have the smallest voting turnout compared to other age groups. America’s future is in our hands and it is valuable to express your thoughts through voting to see the future you strive for. Even if you are eligible to vote now because you are underage, you still have the power to share your wants.

Even if you aren’t old enough to vote, there are still steps to take action. Protesting, educating yourself as well as others, and raising awareness are all initiatives that can be taken regardless of age. If you are 16 years old, you can register to vote. Any elected official will be making lawful decisions that will affect you and advocating your wants politically will make a difference in how other people perceive voting. 

If you would prefer to vote in person, Northborough residents can vote at Melican Middle School and Southborough residents can vote at Trottier Middle School, via early voting, which varies based on location, or on election day—November 8th. If you are not already registered to vote, it can be done online or at a polling location.