Girls’ field hockey reflects on team dynamic after loss against Acton-Boxborough

Owen Jones

Freshman Gaby Lomuto (left) and freshman Lindsey Brown (right) wait to get the ball and run it back down the field. Algonquin was defeated by Acton-Boxbrough 6-1 on September 24.

Amy Sullivan, Sports Editor

Despite their 1-6 loss against Acton-Boxborough, the girls’ field hockey team played a consistent game on Friday, Sept. 24, giving their all until the end.

The game was back-and-forth from start to end, and the team had significant scoring opportunities throughout the entirety of the game. 

This year’s team is a younger group, as 10 players graduated last year. Nonetheless, the players have worked together to rebuild the team. 

“Yesterday was a tough game,” senior captain Sabrina Ferro said. “We’re playing a lot of teams that are definitely more experienced than us, and we’re a younger team than others. But, we’re definitely working hard and holding our own and competing against them. We just have to figure out how to score, but we’re definitely competing.”

Junior captain Grace Ammon scored a goal in the fourth quarter, demonstrating the team’s hard work throughout the entirety of the game. 

“The goal I had in the end kind of changed our momentum a little bit, even though we reflected that the first quarter we were playing our best, highest intensity,” Ammon said. “That goal didn’t give them the shutout, so we thought that was pretty important.”

Not only did the goal show the consistent hard work of the players, but it also attested to the overall attitude and character of the team. 

“We didn’t give up; we kept fighting even though we were losing,” Ferro said. “Everyone getting excited for that goal and continuing to play and push and wanting to score and win, even though we were down by a lot and it was towards the end of the game, that was a big moment for us. Every game we keep pushing and keep playing regardless of the score.”

According to Ammon, the team’s chemistry has been great this year.

“I like seeing our freshmen, sophomores and seniors in the halls all the time,” Ammon said. “We’re always talking to each other in our group chat, and we’re all friends with one another, which I think is very special to our team.”

This off-field dynamic carries over to their gameplay as well, as the players trust and rely on one another during games. 

“On the field, we work together really well,” Ferro said. “We’re passing together really well, and our teamwork is incredible, which is really good for a team that hasn’t really played together much.”

This year’s season has been much closer to a normal season compared to last year’s. For example, instead of seven-on-seven games, the team has returned to full 11-on-11 games. However, there still are some COVID precautions in place to ensure safety. 

“Everything is mostly back to normal except for on the bus, we still wear masks, and we’re still staying far apart as much as we can,” Ferro said. “If anyones feeling sick, we’re staying home. We’re definitely still taking precautions.”

Moving forward, the team has many goals 

“We just want more wins,” Ammon said. “ We knew going into this year that it would be a rebuild because we lost 10 seniors last year. We just want to work on our finishing and scoring, and we hope to do a little bit better in the playoffs. We still have a little bit of a season ahead of us, but we’re just hoping to grow more as a team, on and off the field.”

The team’s next game is Friday, Oct. 1 at 5:30 p.m. at Lincoln-Sudbury.