Freshman Monday: Kasra Parchekani


Q: What kind of music do you like listening to?

A: “I have a very wide variety of music. I’ll listen to some classical now and then, some blues, jazz, death metal.”

Q: Would you say you are a dog person or cat person?

A: “I’d probably choose cats because they’re lazy like me.”

Q: What is your favorite class at Algonquin?

A: “Tough one. Think it would have to be a tie between English and Spanish because I like languages.”

Q: What do your prefer: Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks?

A: “Dunkin’ Donuts.”

Q: Who is your favorite actor/actress?

A: “Probably Christopher Lee because he played Dracula.”

Q: What is your biggest fear?

A: “When I get yogurt and leave it in the fridge too long and it gets moldy and gross.”