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Committed Seniors: Round 2

Committed Seniors: Round 2
Joe Lamburn, track and cross country
Joe Lamburn, track and cross country

Committed senior Joe Lamburn will be attending Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT after being recruited for the track and cross-country programs. Lamburn plans to study marketing.

When did you first start track and cross country?

“Sometime in middle school. I started doing cross country in sixth grade so that’s when I started really running.”

What is your favorite thing about track and cross country?

“I like being outside, especially during the winter, because people don’t go outside in the winter. Being able to go outside for an hour each day is nice; it relaxes my mind.”

What position do you play and what do you most enjoy about playing that position?

“I usually run the mile. I go up and down in distances, but it’s usually the mile. I think it’s the perfect distance to run. It’s not too short, but it’s not too long, and it’s a sweet spot for me.”

Why did you want to play track and field at the collegiate level?

“I got the opportunity to get scholarships which help me and my family pay for college. I also enjoy [running], and I would be running on my own anyways even if I didn’t run for a team, so I thought I might as well look for a team.”

What about this college enticed you to play for them?

“My brother runs there right now, and I had never really heard of the school before he went. I connect with the team, and I like the coach, and I think it’s a good atmosphere and environment for me.”

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“I’m looking forward to meeting new people and getting to travel. Most of the races we have here are in Massachusetts or in the area, but in college, you get to go to different states and fly around so that’s pretty cool.”

Do you have hopes to play track and field beyond the collegiate level?

“I think I’m going to keep running for as long as my legs still work, honestly. I want to run the Boston Marathon eventually. I think staying active will work out for me.”

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focuses you’d like to pursue at Southern Connecticut State University? 

“I’m thinking of going into marketing right now. That’s not set in stone, but it’s what I’m thinking going in. I’ve taken marketing classes here and I’ve enjoyed it. I’m not locked into that. If something else happens in college that I enjoy, I might go into that.”

Chris Kardos, track and cross country
Chris Kardos, track and cross country

Committed senior Chris Kardos will be attending Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH after being recruited for the track and cross-country programs. Kardos plans to study finance.

When did you first start running?

“I’ve been running since I was three or four, but I didn’t actually start racing until middle school. I did track and cross country in sixth, seventh and eighth grade. Obviously, COVID happened, but that didn’t affect our season. I’ve been running for all of high school.”

What is your favorite thing about running?

“My favorite thing about running is the ability to do it whenever you want. It’s a sport that you can do any day of the week, that keeps you in shape and gives you time to reflect. It’s also a great thing to do with a team. The bonds you make on a team are really strong.”

What position do you play and what do you most enjoy about playing that position?

“I run mostly the mile and two miles. I love the mile because of the thrill of it. It’s probably one of the most well-known long-distance running events, and there are a lot of local people I know that it’s fun to race against.” 

Why did you want to run track and cross country at the collegiate level?

“I didn’t notice I wanted to run competitively in college until the end of sophomore year, but I noticed I was going somewhere with [running]. I really wanted to pursue this passion of mine, and I wanted to keep going. I’ve been working hard with the team, and a few of the other guys committed as well.”

What about this college enticed you to play for them?

“I found out about [Xavier University] for their basketball team. I was like, ‘They’re good at basketball,’ and I looked up the school for fun. I saw they had really nice facilities, and I decided to tour. They had a really great coaching staff, and everyone was really nice. The team was good, and I got a good scholarship there.” 

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“I think I’m excited to go to the next level. It’s something I really enjoy and I love improving. It’s a passion I’ve had for a while and it’s part of my daily life now.” 

Do you have hopes to run beyond the collegiate level?

“I think it’ll stick with me. Obviously, I’ll get a job, and running won’t become as big of a priority, but I plan to keep running. Maybe when I get older, I’ll run a marathon and I’ll be sure to run every day. It’s something I know I’ll be doing for the rest of my life.”

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focuses you’d like to pursue at Xavier University?

“I’m big into business and finance, so I’m planning on majoring in finance and minoring in either pre-law or real estate.”

Aiden Ruiz, track and cross country
Aiden Ruiz, track and cross country

Senior Aiden Ruiz committed to Stonehill College in Easton, MA after being recruited for their track and cross country program. He plans to major in political science.

When did you first start running?

“I started my freshman year, and it was because my dad and my mom both really wanted me to. My dad ran in high school. They both wanted me to do it because they thought it would be really good to get to know some people.”

What is your favorite thing about running cross country and track?

“Progress, probably. Like getting a PR [personal record] and seeing that you’re actually getting better. I feel like running is a lot different than lots of other sports, like with baseball it’s more of a skill-based thing, but with running, if you train you get better. You get out what you put into it.”

What track event do you run and what do you most enjoy about it?

“I’ve been running the two-mile or the mile in track. What do I enjoy about it? I guess I can say I enjoy after the race. Like if you have a good race, you know, kind of just celebrating together [as a team] is nice.”

Why did you want to run at the collegiate level?

“I thought it’d be really cool to play collegiate sport. Running is also something I really quickly fell in love with, so it just kind of worked out that way. I started emailing coaches, and I got a great offer from Stonehill.”

What about Stonehill enticed you to run for them?

“I love the school. There’s a really nice campus, and it’s close but not too far. And then I met with the team. They seemed like a great group of guys. The coaches seemed amazing, and it’s a team that has been really competitive in the past, so it seemed like the right fit.”

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“Definitely being on the team, I’ve already met some of the incoming freshmen. Also getting to meet different types of people and getting to train with athletes at a high level.”

Do you have hopes to run beyond the collegiate level?

“Yes, but more for fun, not competitively. I want to do road races and I want to eventually do a marathon at some point.”

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focuses you’d like to pursue at Stonehill?

“I want to do political science. I took AP government last year. I really liked the class. So I decided that I want to major in that, and then I’m planning on going to law school after.”

Do you have anything else that you think is important to include about your experiences with running or your commitment?

“I was very lucky to have six other teammates that ran at my same pace during the same time. It was really nice to be pushed and push each other during training and practice, and I think that’s the main reason why we were so successful. So I owe it to them, my coaches and my family.”

Quinn Salvi, baseball
Quinn Salvi, baseball

Senior Quinn Salvi committed to Anna Maria College in Paxton, MA to play Division III baseball after being recruited this past August. He plans to study either business or criminal justice.

When did you first start playing baseball?

“I first started playing baseball when I was three.” 

What is your favorite thing about baseball?

“My favorite thing about baseball is pitching and getting to control all of the game.”

What position do you play and what do you most enjoy about playing that position?

“I like how the games rely on me. If I play bad they don’t work out.”

Why did you want to play [sport] at the collegiate level?

“It’s a thing I’ve always wanted to do since I was younger; I’ve always played baseball and enjoyed it.”

What about this college enticed you to play for them?

“The coaches were very friendly and nice, they were reasonable and had good expectations about the balance between academics and athletics.”

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“Just having some fun playing baseball and figuring out what I’m going to do later in life.”

Do you have hopes to play [sport] beyond the collegiate level?

“If it comes to me hopefully, but probably not.” 

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focuses you’d like to pursue at [college]?

“Not completely, but I’m kind of interested in business or criminal justice.”

Do you have anything else that you think is important to include about your experiences with [sport] or your commitment?

“Thank you to my parents.”

Brian Toussaint, football
Brian Toussaint, football

Committed senior Brian Toussaint will be attending the University of New England in Biddeford, ME after being recruited for the football program. Toussaint was recruited as a flex player and will study to become an X-Ray technician.

When did you first start playing football?


What is your favorite thing about football?

“The thrill of it, and especially when the wind hits my face while I’m running.”

What position do you play and what do you most enjoy about playing that position?

“I’m a flex player so I play all types of positions.”

Why did you want to play football at the collegiate level?

“That’s been a goal of mine, and I just feel like in life you need a purpose, so the dreams I had since I was young, I want to keep pursuing them.”

What about this college enticed you to play for them?

“When I went there, it felt like I could study there too.”

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“Being wealthy, having a girlfriend and getting an apartment.”

Do you have hopes to play football beyond the collegiate level?

“I do.”

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focusses you’d like to pursue at the University of New England?

“I want to study radiology because I want to be an X-ray technician.”

Do you have anything else that you think is important to include about your experiences with football or your commitment?

“I do it to make my parents proud, and to make myself proud too.”

Audrey Helwig, track and field
Audrey Helwig, track and field

Committed senior Audrey Helwig will be attending Chapman University in Orange, CA after being recruited for the track and field program. Helwig was recruited as a short-distance runner and will study within the business field.

When did you first start running?

“Seventh grade.”

What is your favorite thing about running?

“I’ve made so many friends through running and it’s a great community.”

What events do you run and what do you most enjoy about running those events?

“I run the shorter events like 100, 200, 400 [meters] and relay events. My favorite thing about running those events is that they’re short. I don’t have to run that far like long-distance runners. It’s fun running fast; you feel fast when you run, and that’s the best feeling.”

Why did you want to run at the collegiate level?

“Running gives me something to do, and it’s another way to make friends. I was like, ‘Why stop? I’ve made it so far that maybe I should continue.’”

What about Chapman University enticed you to run for them?

“The team looked really nice. It looks like a big family, and they have so much fun every day at practice.”

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“For running, I hope to definitely succeed, have more PRs [personal records] and make more friends.”

Do you have hopes to run beyond the collegiate level?

“I don’t think I have any plans to continue running after college, but definitely in college I’ll be running.”

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focuses you’d like to pursue at [college]?

“I’m majoring in business finance, so that is exciting.”

Stephen White, track and cross country
Stephen White, track and cross country

Committed senior Stephen White will be attending Colby College in Waterville, ME after being recruited for the track and field and cross country programs. White was recruited as a long-distance runner and will study economics.

When did you first start running?

“I first started running in the spring season of sophomore year, so it was pretty late compared to most people.”

What is your favorite thing about running?

“Probably the friends you can do it with; I made a lot of friends doing track, so it’s fun to go to practice with them.”

What events do you run and what do you most enjoy about running those events?

“I run the mile and 2-mile mainly during track, and I like running the longer events mainly because I feel like it caters more to me. I enjoy the tension throughout the race.”

Why did you want to run at the collegiate level?

“I thought it would be a good experience from the people I know who run in college who enjoy it. I definitely want to further my running career. I think I could get a lot farther.”

What about Colby College enticed you to run for them?

“I talked to their coach. He was very nice. I know some teammates on the team, and I talked to them. In general, it’s a very good school, so it was an easy decision for me.

What are you most looking forward to in these next four years of your life?

“I’m just excited to explore the world and broaden my worldview.”

Do you have hopes to run beyond the collegiate level?

“I’ll try and get as fast as I can. If I can go pro that would be cool too.”

Do you have any ideas of majors or other focuses you’d like to pursue at [college]?

“Right now my major is economics, and I’m thinking about going into law at the moment.”

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About the Contributors
Jax Jackson
Jax Jackson, Editor-in-Chief
Jax has been involved with the Harbinger since his freshman year as a graphic designer, but taking Journalism as a junior got him truly excited about journalism. He has discovered a passion for storytelling, advocating through his work and sharing news, recently becoming an Editor-in-Chief. In his free time, Jax enjoys playing tennis, ceramics and performing music.
Ellie O’Connor
Ellie O’Connor, Online Editor
Ellie has been writing for the Harbinger ever since taking journalism in her sophomore year. Currently, as Online Editor, Ellie hopes to continue learning more and gaining experience in the club. Outside of the Harbinger, she runs cross country and track, enjoys reading, and hanging out with friends.
Gabby Richard
Gabby Richard, Assistant Opinion Editor
Riya Mahanta
Riya Mahanta, Editor in Chief
Riya began writing for The Harbinger as a News Editor her freshman year after taking Journalism. Ever since she saw her sister's copy of The Harbinger in 8th grade, she knew she wanted to write for the newspaper. Riya is currently an Editor in Chief although she still enjoys writing pieces in Arts and Entertainment and News. Outside of Harbinger, she writes for three other news outlets. In her free time, she likes to listen to music, specifically Ariana Grande and Drake, play tennis and paint.
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