The official student news site of Algonquin Regional High School in Northborough, MA

Yvette Ductan

What do you like best about working as a special education aide?

“I like the fact I get to know the kids. Seeing their abilities and what they like to do. That’s what I really like.”

What do you do over the course of a day as an aide? 

“Everyday I try to help the kids learn and understand. I have to learn it first and then teach it to them, so they can learn it simpler and can understand it more.”

What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your job this year?

“Each kid is different…I have one student in a day and have another student….So trying to understand how both of them work  on a different term is kinda hard and challenging at times. When they have challenging behaviors, they need help.”

What do you think about working at ARHS?

“I like it so far. It’s really nice. Kids are good. Co-workers are great and awesome.”

What do you like to do in your free time?

“I like to read, I like to watch movies. I also like art. Anything with art I like to do.”

What would your students be surprised to learn about you?

“I used to do track and field.”

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