Mr. Rand-tastic: Randy Cardin, Custodian

Q: The custodial staffs all have specific jobs that they do around the school, which are you responsible for?
A: “I take care of all the gym and all the stinky stuff. All the mess that the boys leave, that’s where I am at. This is my area, so in case they have something on H300 I am not up on H300. I am down here.”
Q: What is the craziest thing you have had to clean up at Algonquin?
A: “The football team had a rainy game against Marlborough. They came in covered head to toe in mud. It got on the floors, the walls, everything. It was like the mud bowl.”
Q: Whose locker room tends to be the cleanest? The girls’ or the boys’ locker room?
A: “The boys are bad right now. The boys’ football [team] always hold number one, lacrosse is second, and then basketball has been doing pretty well. Football is number one. They are the biggest mess. Girls once and awhile are messy. Clothes are one thing, but boys have more dirt and mud. They just throw everything everywhere. The girls’ [locker rooms] are just clothes.”
Q: What have your interactions with students been like over the years?
A: “Some are good. I miss some of them through the years. Some years are better than other years. You get used to some of the sports kids when you see them come in and start as a freshman until they leave. You almost wish they had one more year. Some of them are pretty good and some of them it’s like ‘keep going’. There are some good ones and bad ones.”
Q: If you could pick any superpower what would it be?
A: “Everyone wants to be superman, but that’s never going to happen.”
Q: Is there anything else you would like to add?
A: “If you grow a beard then you won’t be getting any kisses. Girls don’t like that.”
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Mairathe Casey joined Harbinger as a sophomore and primarily wrote news. She was the Copy and Layout Editor her junior year and is the Online Editor-in-Chief...