Courtesy MTV
Contestant Sapphira Cristál takes the stage dressed similarly to her branded doll for this week's design challenge.
This week on RuPaul’s Drag Race was a multi-faceted challenge of faulty and flawless runways. The second design challenge of the season, Episode Six, stood out by incorporating a branding aspect, forcing the queens to look good and decorate a doll in the style of their drag. I’m glad we’ve been getting so many design challenges this season, as there are so many seamstresses on the cast, including Nymphia Wind, Dawn and Q. However, despite so much design talent, there was a massive screw-up when three queens used the same fabric, and another final sloppy performance sent Geneva Karr home for good. There’s a lot to cover so let’s race to the ru-viewing!
My Top 3 of the Week:
1st place – Q – She finally did it! Q finally got a win. It’s been a long time coming, but even with so many strong performances this one really stands out. The fact that Q created this look in the same amount of time it took Plasma to create her disastrous design is amazing. Along with her amazing look, Q even incorporated comedy while walking the runway. Her doll concept and voice-over jokes were both brilliant like the fabric she donned her head with. Her gold-speckled look and that cape were stunners that completely overpowered anyone else’s chance at success this week. Q finally won, and it was one hundred percent deserved.
2nd place – Dawn – Since Q has finally gotten a win, it is clear that Dawn has been robbed of wins. For two design challenges and last week’s “Girl Group,” she should have taken home at least one of the three. This week, she responded to critiques about only wearing elf ears and unnatural skin colors with her intergalactic look. Her outfit was so well put together, and that corner lash was to die for. Dawn has a brilliantly unique makeup style that she reproduces well each week. To make her out-of-the-box style work with her regular skin tone and such a conceptual design was a feat that makes Dawn deserving of the top.
3rd place – Morphine Love Dion – The look that Morphine brought to the runway was reminiscent of the Sasha Colby look from the Season 15 “Drag Race Fashion Week” challenge. The beachwear fits Morphine’s branding style as the Miami queen, and her spoken pieces throughout her runway walk poked fun at Michelle Visage’s critiques against Morphine relying on plastic surgery to do well. Although her BBL has been her entire personality so far, Morphine strayed from it with this look and brought more personality to her character.
My Bottom 3 of the Week:
9th place – Mhi’ya Iman Le’Paige – As much as I hate Mhi’ya Iman Le’Paige, I have to admit two things: there were definitely people worse than her, and she destroyed that lip sync. To begin, I was not a fan of Mhi’ya’s look. It was unflattering and felt incomplete, likely because Mhi’ya is friends with sewing in the way water and oil get along. Even more importantly, her branding did not fit what the challenge required. If her entire brand is flipping, it was confusing that she spoke about that and never executed a tumble across the runway. She did, however, absolutely flip out in the lip sync, and totally deserved to stay after the queen of being in the bottom, Geneva Karr.
10th place – Plasma – There was not one thing about Plasma that I liked this week. Her look was ugly, with clashing colors and a messy sizing of the headwrap. Plasma also made a massive mistake in allowing two other girls to share her fabric. In doing so, she ended up with the second ugliest look of the three and a massive flop overall. Her voice-over was also not stunning, with forced lines and frustrating speech. I did not enjoy anything Plasma did this week.
11th place – Geneva Karr – Just as it’s been a long time coming for Q to win, it has been a long time coming for Geneva to go home. Geneva lip-synced during four out of five episodes in which she appeared, and had it not been for Mirage’s unfortunate screw-ups, Geneva would be long gone. Her runway was hideous, with three components that did not mesh at all. Her garment was tacky, unfinished and used the same fabric as Plasma and Plane Jane who both looked better than her. Geneva’s runway and concept were all over the place, so it was finally time for her to go home.
Make sure to return for the next episode of the Racer Ru-view, breaking down more hot opinions on “RuPaul’s Drag Race: Season 16, Episode 7.”