Jadyn Jacobs
Guidance counselor Rebecca Haberman is retiring after 21 years of work at Algonquin.
Guidance Counselor Rebecca Haberman, who has worked at Algonquin for 21 years, will be retiring at the end of this year after having an instrumental effect on the lives of countless Algonquin students.
For Haberman, becoming a guidance counselor was a second career.
“When I graduated college, I went into sales and marketing and training and all sorts of different things,” Haberman said. “Then I decided I wanted to do something different… I came over to Algonquin and talked to a bunch of different people … and after talking to all of them, I decided I wanted to be a guidance counselor.”
In her 21 years, Haberman accomplished many goals, one of the most notable being advising Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD).
“I liked how we [SADD] brought in the police, the EMTs, the firemen and did these mock car accidents, where unfortunately kids ‘got injured’ and we arrested them…and [did] a whole bunch of stuff to show what can happen when you make a bad choice,” Haberman said.
Haberman is also proud of the bonds she has formed with students and will miss the people in the Algonquin community after leaving.
“I really love meeting you [students] and watching you grow and helping you through the whole process of high school, whether it is to go on to college or get a job,” Haberman said. “I’ve had some kids who really struggled, and one kid, I remember he almost dropped out and then he stayed and he joined the army… and now he’s getting a PhD.”
“[Haberman] has made countless connections with students, staff and families over the years,” adjustment counselor Deborah Guterman said. “As a colleague and friend, she has reminded us of the importance of having fun while working hard.”
Junior Jessie Lambert, whose guidance counselor is Haberman, appreciates her guidance and warm attitude.
“Since I first met Ms. Haberman, I immediately felt comfortable with her,” Lambert said. “… Every time I go [to guidance], I always feel so welcomed. I will never forget how at every single meeting, she offers me an orange and some candy and asks ‘Did you have breakfast this morning?’”
After retiring, Haberman hopes to travel the world with her husband.
“[We will go to] Australia and New Zealand for a few months, I want to rent a van or buy a van, put a mattress in the back and just drive all around New Zealand and explore,” Haberman said.