What was your initial reaction to hearing news of the events that transpired at the Capitol building on Wednesday?
“My initial reaction was like wow they actually did it. I was genuinely surprised, I didn’t think they had it in them.”
Would you consider the people who entered the building protestors, rioters or something different?
“They’re terrorists, that’s not protesting. It could be rioting, but they’re not really doing it for a political motive, because they can’t change anything. They’re angry.”
How do you feel these actions will affect the future of our country and what steps should be taken next by our lawmakers?
“The Democrats want to impeach the lawmakers but I don’t think they will get that done, because the Republicans won’t go through with it. It will set a precedent that you can impeach a President twice and get away with it, and it could endanger other politicians who have done wrong. In the short term, we will have more security at the Capitol. In the long term, I don’t think anything will change because the crazy people still gather, and are crazy”
Do you believe the 25th Amendment (which states if the President becomes unable to do his job, the Vice President will assume the role of the President) should be exercised in response to the president’s words and actions on the day of the Capitol shutdown?
“Pence does not have the will to enact the 25th Amendment. You could get around Pence through Congress, but Pence doesn’t have the heart to do it.”