Graphic Liza Armstrong
In this Thrifting and Thriving post, Staff Writer Colleen Mulligan writes about two popular apps for buying used clothing, Depop and Poshmark.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my thrifting adventures have been put on pause. But there are still many ways you can shop for used clothing online from the safety of your own home without breaking the bank.
There are websites where people just like you and me sell their gently used clothing. Most popularly the sites (or apps) Depop and Poshmark offer used clothes that are close to new condition. Some of my friends here at Algonquin sell their clothes on these sites too. I found that you can also find very good deals on barely worn shoes, and lots of people that upcycle clothes or make their own jewelry will sell it on these sites.
Personally, I like Depop better than Poshmark, but I have bought from both and probably will continue to. I find Depop has more unique clothing whereas Poshmark is a lot of on brand things. I also like the setup of the app for Depop better; I found the Poshmartk app slightly hard to navigate.
These sites have a design similar to apps like Instagram. You can follow sellers and they will appear on your feed and then you can also search for brands, styles, sellers or any specifics you want. Depop makes a “for you” area which is all things similar to what you’ve searched and purchases. When you buy from someone you can message them through the app and also look at reviews and ratings from other people that bought from them.

From Depop, I have made quite a few purchases, but some of my favorites include shoes, room decor and a jacket. The first thing I ever bought was a pair of slightly worn black Nike Air Force Ones. Originally these shoes can be upwards of $100. On Depop I paid $30 plus $6.50 shipping. I messaged the seller and they sent me a UPS tracking number. A week later the shoes were at my doorstep. They were in the exact condition as promised and true to size. I wear those shoes almost every day and they are probably my favorite purchases I have made online thrifting.
I also purchased an oversized black corduroy jacket which had almost the same exact process and outcome as the shoes. I paid $25 for it, and although I couldn’t find the original, similar ones from the same brand were around $90 new.

I recently purchased a tapestry off of Depop. It cost me $25 which is not some amazing deal but the tapestry is unique. That’s another plus of shopping on these sites; you can find very one-of-a-kind things or items that are discontinued.
Jumping over to Poshmark, I have one purchase that I am just in love with. I bought a pair of high top grey and black Nike Air Force Ones. I have yet to find them in any store or online at all, so I am guessing they were custom made. This is one of my favorite aspects of these shoes because no one else has them. I paid $20 plus $5 for shipping on Poshmark. When I customized similar ones on Nike’s website the total was $130 plus shipping. These shoes were definitely a great deal.

Thifting online can be a great way to help the environment and your wallet. In these times of stress some people need a little retail therapy, so thrifting can get you a unique item without the price tag. I’ve thus far had really great experiences with Depop and Poshmark, but if you don’t have a perfect experience the site has refund policies and other resources to protect the buyer. So if you are looking for new websites to shop at, head to Depop and Poshmark.