Sofia Abdullina
Sophomore Will Lamburn speeds past his opponent, placing first in the meet.
For the first time in over a decade, boys’ cross country led by coach Nate Uttaro defeated Shrewsbury 25-35 at home on October 16.
In cross country, teams are scored by being given points for their placements with five points for fifth place runner, four points for fourth place, and so on. The team with the lowest combined score of their top five athletes wins.
The Shrewsbury runners, with many holding personal records of under 18 minutes, were favored to win, but the combined scores of Algonquin’s top five runners gave them the win.
The top five Algonquin runners were sophomore Will Lamburn who placed first, senior captain Jonny Symons placing second, junior Nick West taking third place, sophomore Cole Gamache placing fourth, and junior James Carroll in fifth place.
After the win against Shrewsbury for the first time since 2006, the team dumped a bucket of ice water on Uttaro.
Uttaro was shocked and ecstatic after the win.
“I think this team has really come together, you saw what that was, that was all them,” Uttaro said. “They’ve got great leadership, and they’re just a great group of guys that all have one goal. My saying is make the jump, just because we’re always trying to reach the next level. Today was one of those days where we made the jump.”
Carroll, who trailed behind Shrewsbury runners in the first two miles, reached for the “next level”, in the last 1600 meters of the race as he progressed into the top five Algonquin runners, lowering the team’s score,and making them one step closer to a win.
Lamburn, who achieved his personal record of 16:33, and placed first during the meet, credits it to his hard training.
“[I train] six days a week usually, and usually I run about 7 miles,” Lamburn said.
Lamburn took personal initiative when training whether it be with his team or on his own, according to coach Uttaro.
“He did all of his miles, he really worked hard to get himself ready, he is taking full advantage of his training, “ Uttaro said. “Everything he does is full out, I think that’s why he improved so much.”
Senior Nathan Rhind saw the benefits of the workouts that they do, and how they influence their performances at meets.
“I think a big part of our workouts is working together as a team, we often call it pack mentality,” Rhind said. “During the meets, especially when we’re racing competitive teams, it’s really important to break up their packs. Some practice we try to run together, to build that camaraderie, and try to get on the same pacing, that we can use at the meet.”
The way Bai described the team’s spirit days, says a lot about the sport and the close bond that the teammates share.
“It’s great, compared to all of the other teams from what I’ve seen, we definitely have the most fun,” Bai said. “We have great spirit days, we have weird ones too. We dressed up like coach, which he did not appreciate.”
“Every year they try to dump water on me,” Uttaro said. “We’ve never won, and had water dumped on me before, so this is a first. It’s exciting to actually win and have it mean something.”